Author Archives: Rajeev

About Rajeev

Accomplished and results-oriented leader with a breadth of experience in multifarious leadership roles. Extensive experience in delivering enterprise solutions across various lines of business – sales & marketing, e-commerce, supply chain, human resources and emerging technologies. Built, developed and managed high performing cross-functional and cross-geo organizations to deliver business results. Worked with C-level executives and staff to drive complex, global strategic initiatives. Published author of books and articles on technology, strategy, management and leadership topics including, IoT, Cloud Computing and innovation.

Lessons learned.. or not!

The story, if it can be called such, was very poignant. It goes like this – A couple moved into a house that had the forest as its backyard. One day the man went for a walk in the forest and saw a branch full of chrysalis ready to metamorphosize into butterflies. He had read… Read More »

Hindsight is 2020

The year 2020 did not only put pause to the-world-as-we-knew-it but it also put a pause to my writing. Not that anybody reads what I write but lack of audience has never deterred me earlier… after all, I specialize in writing books that no one buys! I stopped making resolutions many years ago, when I… Read More »

Has the future of work changed?

Since the stay-at-home orders and curfews around the world took effect to fight the pandemic, a lot of articles have surfaced delivering death kneel to ‘work-at-work’ model. The market has happily responded by accelerated stock price growth and valuations of the companies that support remote working. So, will this lead to a crash in commercial… Read More »

Our enemy’s best friend

Decades ago, when I wrote an article with the same title for a (now defunct) e-zine, my focus was the immaturity and gullibility of Indian society; especially the youth. Growing up, I would see mobs of youth going on rampage at slightest provocation by religion, politics, social causes they believed in or to protest against… Read More »

A role is a role is a role

During my career at Intel, one of the misunderstanding most managers had was that employees in the same role were easily transferrable; especially in roles that did not require deep business or technical knowledge; like project and program manager, first line manger, UI/UX designer and others. This assumption would make restructuring or reorganizations of the… Read More »

It’s all about positioning

I was lucky enough to learn very early in my career that it’s all about positioning! I didn’t like it then and I don’t like it now; but you cannot live in denial and still expect stellar results. As I grew in my career I realized the truth behind this advice I got and why it… Read More »

Preparing for the 2nd act

Even though no one will admit it, just like in the story of the emperor with no clothes, the age-discrimination bias does exist in the industry; more so in the hi-tech industry. That does not mean that if you are in your 40s or 50s or 60s and are thinking of re-entering the work place you… Read More »

The R-Quadrant

The discussion started around one of the important traits of a good and effective leader – the say-do ratio. I have used this as an important parameter to evaluate others and my own leadership, whenever I was in such a role. Soon the discussion diverted to old friends and acquaintances, but a thought lingered in… Read More »